Newton then begins bragging of how the Creative Heart now belongs to him. Shortly after meeting Toggle, the heroes, on their way to Bunkum Lagoon, find Newton absorbing even more of the Ziggurat's creativity. Without the creativity and imagination, Papal Mache now keeps forgetting things. When Sackboy and OddSock meet Papal Mache, he reveals Newton has arrived before they did and has stolen all of the creativity and imagination from the Ziggurat. Newton then releases the Green Titan from his body before escaping the scene, leaving the heroes to fight the powering-up Titan. When Sackboy and OddSock rebel against the idea, Newton becomes sad of how his and Sackboy's friendship came to an end. He then absorbs all of the creativity in Manglewood. However, they meet Newton there as well, he then reveals his plan to become the greatest Creator in the Imagisphere by absorbing all of the creativity and imagination in Bunkum. Newton, know know as Evil Newton, climbs flys out of the tin before absorbing all of Stitchem Manor's imagination and creativity before flying off, destroying the tin in a shockwave.Ī while after meeting OddSock and adding him to his team, Sackboy and OddSock head off to the Ziggurat. However, the Titans, not willing to be controlled and not having a physical form to reek chaos and devour imagination, enter Newton's body and possess him, turning his eyes purple, giving him the ability to fly on his own, the ability to steal and devour imagination and a purple aura, the Titans then twist Newton's goals from helping Bunkum to destroying it. Nana Pud and Sackboy watch in fear as Titan's power gives Newton the ability to levitate, Newton then attempts to call and control the Titans, ordering them to "make Bunkum, BUNKUM". However, Newton breaks the lid before she can even finish. Nana Pud then recites Captain Pud's strict rule to Newton: "Never, ever open the lid". Nana Pud and Newton begin arguing about the Titans, Newton wanting to release them and use their creativity to make Bunkum the best place in the Imagisphere, while Nana Pud wants to keep them sealed away forever. Once Sackboy defeats Nana Pud's guardian, Newton arrives and Nana Pud reveals that Newton has tricked him. Newton gets Sackboy to enter his Super-Vertical Infiltration Station and they both go to Stitchem Manor, but Newton crashes the station and lets Sackboy goes alone with the excuse of "I've got eggs to boil.". However, Newton then comforts Sackboy by saying that is where they come in to stop Nana Pud and brings him to his airship. Newton then says that the tale foretells the return of the Titans, saying that tonight at Stitchem Manor, a Sackperson known as Nana Pud will release the Titans from their prison. Newton greets Sackboy and tells him about Bunkum before telling him the tale of the Titans and the three heroes: OddSock, Toggle and Swoop. Newton appears after Sackboy or Sackgirl complete the Tutorial, calling the Narrator an old man and saying he will take it from here, he then presses some buttons, causing a thunderstorm to happen, before pressing a button that summons a wormhole, he then leaves to greet his new assistant. When Newton was possessed by the Titans, Newton's eyes became purple. His eyes and mouth appear disembodied from his head and glow white and orange. He wears a purple velvet robe, a magenta undershirt, as well as black pants and black boots with cardboard soles. Newton appears to be in a shape of a Sackperson but has a lightbulb as a head and a bowler hat that appears to be an egg timer.